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East Stone Gap
Methodist Church

Weekly Schedule:​


10 AM - Sunday School

11 AM - Worship Service

  6 PM - Evening Worship, Youth Group



10:30 AM - Women's Bible Study (Fellowship Hall)



  6:30 PM - Bible Study, Youth Group

Vision for the Ministry:

1.  To be very concerned about living out these words of Jesus:  “To deny myself, to take up my cross daily, and to follow Jesus.” 

 2.  To teach and encourage all believers to be baptized or filled with the Holy Spirit, so that they will have the power to be who Jesus is and do what Jesus did. 

 3.  To “feed the sheep” and “tend the lambs” as Jesus said. 

 4.  To lay hands on the sick that they may be healed and to cast out demons in Jesus’ name.

 5.  To teach the people and aid them in the true dynamics of praise and worship.

  6.  To pray that God will rise up those who will labor in the “fields that are white unto the harvest”, knowing people in the world are harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd.

  7.  To pray with Jesus that “they may all be one.”

  8.  To endeavor to practice faithfully that Jesus is the “head” of the church.

  9.  To teach and practice that “ONLY” when we are obedient to him, do we have “REAL” love for Jesus. 

10. To equip the saints for the work of the ministry.


Children's Ministry

Kingdom Kids

Children's Church Mission:

To provide a loving and nurturing environment that is gospel-centered. Our Bible teachers offer lessons that explain salvation and help our children grow spiritually. 


Children’s Church (Sundays during the Morning Worship Service):
     If you are a parent of a child between the ages of Pre-K and 5th grade, this is the class for your child.  We are dedicated in leading your child in praise and worship and in learning God’s word. The Gospel Project shows how Jesus is portrayed throughout the Bible from Genesis through Revelation. Children’s church meets during the Sunday morning service.​


Nursery (Sundays during the Morning Worship Service):
     If you are a parent of a child between the ages of a newborn and 3 years, this is the place for your child.  Our nursery is clean and staffed with responsible adults who have been screened by our church.

Special Events throughout the year include a community Easter celebration with egg hunt, the Fall Festival, and Vacation Bible School.  Visitors are always welcome, and all are encouraged to invite friends!


Youth Ministry

East Stone Gap Methodist's Youth Ministry seeks to make disciples for Jesus Christ while providing an inviting and enjoyable environment for students from 6th-12th grades, building community with the students.  The youth ministry meets on Sunday nights during the evening Worship Service, during the Sunday School hour each Sunday morning, and also on Wednesday nights during the church's Wednesday Night Live dinner/study series.  In addition to our weekly Bible studies, we participate in retreats, such as Resurrection, to get away to study the Bible and to grow in our relationships with God and one another.  We are a Safe Sanctuaries congregation which places a high priority on safety of the students.  All students are welcome and invited to attend

©2024 by East Stone Gap Methodist Church. Powered by the Holy Spirit

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